a few reasons why we love candles

CEDARGRIS was founded on pouring candles, and we expanded to have the large range of products you know and love. But candles stay close to our hearts and here are some reasons we love to have a candle burning close by…


A burning candle creates a warming, soft and relaxing feeling. The atmosphere of the space it is in becomes tranquil as the scent starts to fill the room and the candle begins to glow. These beautiful elements of a candle burning will assist in relieving stress from the mind and body.

Next time you light a candle, sit and watch the wick flicker.. I promise you it will have an instant calming effect. Enjoy!

H O U S E  T O  A  H O M E

Yes there is a difference between a house and a home. A house is a place you live in and a home is a space that you have created with all your favourite treasures, smells and memories that provide that warming comfortable and safe feeling. Candles burning throughout the house with their scents filling every room and bringing an ambience to the atmosphere creates that homely feeling. They are such a small and simple item that not only looks beautiful, smells divine but makes you feel completely at home.

R O M A N C E 

How can you have romance without candles burning right?

Candles are a beautiful way of transforming an atmosphere through their scent and gorgeous glow. They are the perfect little touch to turn a bedroom into a sensual and romantic space.

Just remember though to blow them out before things start to heat up! We certainly don’t want you having to explain to the fireman why the bedroom caught on fire!

S U P P O R T S  R E S T F U L  S L E E P

A night time routine before heading off to the land of dreams is such an important part of supporting a restful sleep. Some of us like to meditate before bed or read a book. Write in a journal or have a cup of tea. Lighting a candle that has a relaxing scent during your wind down time will aid in relieving any stress in the body and will have a calming effect on you which will help you drift off to sleep.


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